
Can a Theist coming to realize there is no God be compared to a Junkie suffering withdrawal?

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Do they suffer the same symptoms? Do they have remission? Do they need interventions? Do they have to remove themselves from their old social network to remain "clean"? Please, anyone who's gotten away; can you tell me what the path to freedom from this addiction was like?




  1. I can see your heart bleeding from here.

  2. t must be hard for you. Thats a fright for me the idea of leaving God.

    You do know Christians are aware of the liberation of freeing ourselves from the trap of sin. The PRISON of THE WORLD.

    if you are leaving Christianity maybe you were folloing a bad belief system which could not strengthen you.

    it is hard on our own, or when you have unanswered questions i have been there. Bible says not the church building, but we we are the Church. Also...

    The bible warns of false beliefs systems, and false christian people.

    I have in recent years spent time dily reading the Bible.

    What is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G is that there are Sooo many different versions out there it's frightening. I DO MEAN FRIGHTENING, the differences are whats important. At times slight at times MASSIVE.

    It Is Very Dangerous... trust me i now.

    God says in the Book of Revelations, any man who ADDS or TAKES AWAY from the word of God is doomed. it's written better than that and is a powerful text.

    I sympthise with you God bless you Jonathan.

  3. Hmmm.. interesting question - most drugs have a psychological addiction as well as a physiological one.

    Addicts have habits and rituals - like the faithful do

    And it's well known that the AA 12 steps works (well, it sometimes works) because it substitutes one addiction for another ("higher power").

    But when I realised there wasn't a god, it didn't feel like withdrawal more like the mist being cleared from my eyes.  It was a huge relief to not have to bother with that contradictory, impossible nonsense any more.  I wasn't part of a heavily religious family or community, though.

  4. Yes! You seem like me! You join the Westside Atheists gang now! Awest

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