
Can a U.S. Minor Leave the country with out an adult?

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If both of my parents agreed to my leaving the U.S. To go to another counrty for vacation alone without an adult to acompany me, is that legal? Im sure their would be papers that my parents needed to sign if possible, where would I get them?




  1. It depends on the country that you wish to visit. Each country sets its own policies, so there is no generic answer that covers everything.

    Contact the consulate or Embassy of the country that you wish to visit. They will give you the requirements and provide any necessary forms.

  2. Yes, you can. In fact, I traveled to Japan at the age of 17 (technically still a minor) by myself to visit a friend who had been an exchange student at my high school. The process is really very much like travelling domestically; I had no issues at all, and nobody said anything about paperwork

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