
Can a US citizen utilize the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the identities of scoff law UN delegates?

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Scoff law delegates are those who use their diplomatic immunity to rack up thousands of dollars in illegal parking tickets in the city of New York, with no intention of ever paying them. Would it be possible for an ordinary citizen to obtain a list of violators with a view to "convincing" them that it would be the right thing to do to come out from behind their diplomatic shield and pay their fines? It might also provide a boost to a lagging body and fender industry and provide windshield repair services with an influx of business. It might even increase baseball bat sales.




  1. I'm sure the FOIA doesn't apply to them, but when their Mercedes and BMW's starting having random acts of windshield and fender "accidents",  they will manage to find somewhere else to park...

  2. I think so - hopefully it will also result in evicting the UN from the US since they are anti-America anyway.  Besides they just want the US to fund all of their ill-advised operations and members' illegal actions such as you so wisely cite.  Rock on!

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