
Can a Wireless Router connect to another Wireless router and extend an Internet Connnection?

by  |  earlier

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Ok here's the setup...:

I have a modem connected to a wireless router downstairs. I was wondering if it is possible to buy a similar wireless router, put it upstairs and have that router connect to the router located downstairs. Then I figured I can use the 3 open slots left on the router upstairs to connect ethernet lines to my computers in my desk.

If that's not possible, then is there a way to use a wireless access point to feed into a 5 port switch upstairs then the computers in my desk upstairs can connect to the switch and the switch is connected to the Wireless access point and in turn is connected to the wireless router downstairs. I simply wanted to avoid running ethernet wire all the way upstairs to a switch and also wanted to avoid buying 3 network adapters for each pc I have at my desk upstairs. Any help would be appreciated...




  1. That is a good question,I don't know the answer but I would like to know if that is possible.


  3. I believe what you mean is that you a receiving router upstairs, correct?

    If so, you can buy such things at places like Comp-USA or Circuit City.

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