
Can a adult female hamster get-along with a baby hamster? or maybe be roomates?

by  |  earlier

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I'm thinking about getting a baby hamster. and rooming her with the female hamster....




  1. yes a baby hamster can get along with an adult hamster

  2. Might eat the baby, depending on how big it is.

  3. I do not think so because hamsters eat their yong

  4. Get them seperate cages.

    If your hamster is a syrain hamster dont get it a roomate because syrain hamsters live better on their own. If they live in pairs they will fight ontill one die.

    Dwarf hamsters like to live in pairs or groups but they need to both be brought up from a young age.

    All together dont keep your new hamster in the one cage.

  5. Bad idea- hamsters don't cohibatate well. I know from sad personal experience.

  6. I'm not positive how all hamsters would react, but I think females are fine together. However, just to be on the safe side, I'd reccommend buying a separate cage for each - that way neither hamster has to have to defend its area and you'll have two happy, healthy hamsters.

  7. if the baby is still pretty young, the older one might, it.

  8. i wouldnt try it. you would feel awful if the little guy got eaten

  9. might be able but you have got to watch them for a couple days and they might loosen up

  10. Is your current hamster a syrian hamster? Then don't even think about it. She will fight viciously with the young ones since they are very solitary and territorial type.

    If your current hamster is a dwarf,then you can give it a try. Dwarf hamsters will get along well with one or two other hamsters, particularly if they are roughly the same age and size. You will have much more success if you get hamsters that have been living in a group environment, and vicious fights have occurred when a new dwarf hamster is introduced to a cage that has a solitary, older hamster – he’s likely grown fond of living by himself and is not interested in having a roommate.

    Considering your hamster is a adult hamster and grown used to her cage, it is difficult to say if she might or might not share her cage with a younger female. Give it a try but if it does not work out, you must be prepared with another cage for your new hamster.

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