
Can a american get married in Rome Italy?

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Can a american get married in Rome Italy?




  1. YEs it is possible....Foreign residents and non-residents of Italy may get legally married in Italy. Both civil and religious marriages are recognized as legal.

    Most Consulates and Embassies provide plenty of information for their citizens wishing to marry in Italy. People travelling to Italy specifically for the wedding should speak to their local Italian consulate which will be able to help with the necessary paperwork. The foreign Consulate or Embassy in Italy can advise their nationals living there.

    Some links to information on marriage in Italy:

        * Information for British nationals from the British Embassy

        * Information for American nationals from the United States Embassy

        * Information for Canadian nationals from the Canadian Embassy

        * Information for Australian nationals from the Australian Embassy

    Legal Preparations for Marriage

    The couple wishing to marry should declare their intention to marry (promessa di matrimonio) at the Marriage Office (Ufficiale di Stato Civile) of the commune of residence. At that point they must present their documents (see below). A date may then be set for the ceremony.

    Banns are public announcements of a person's intention to marry. They are displayed in the Town Hall. If at least one of the parties is Italian or has Italian residency then banns must be posted for at least eight consecutive days (including two consecutive Sundays) and the wedding cannot occur before the fourth day following the completion of the banns. If the wedding does not take place within 180 days, the posting of banns becomes invalid and will need to be repeated for the marriage to occur.

    If neither of the couple has Italian residency then banns may be waived and the ceremony can occur from the fourth day after making the declaration.

    Documents required by both marriage partners

        * full valid passport or residence card

        * stay permit (Carta di Soggiorno) or proof of recent entry to Italy

        * Nulla Osta or declaration of no impediment. This document, issued by the national's Consulate in Italy, confirms there is no obstacle to their marriage in Italy. All foreigners getting married in Italy require this document. This document is valid for six months

        * Certificato di Stato Libero for Italians, declaring that they are free to marry

        * Atto Notorio, an affidavit declaring single status and freedom to marry, witnessed by two people; available at an Italian Consulate outside Italy or in Italy at the Pretura Civile in the city where the marriage will take place, or through a notary. This document expires three months after issue

        * Birth certificate, long version showing parents' names; birth certificates of US citizens should be certified with an Apostile

        * divorce decree or annulment or death certificate (a woman must wait 300 days following divorce, annulment or widowhood before being allowed to remarry or obtain a waiver from the local District Attorney (Procura della Republica)

        * certified translations of all documents not in Italian

        * written consent from a parent or guardian for those under 18

    The above documents should be taken to the Uffico Legalizzazioni at the local prefecture (Prefettura) to be legalised, along with a tax stamp (marca da bollo) bought from a tobacconist.

    Note: Gathering some of the documents may take time and appointments may need to be made with the Consulate for the Nulla Osta, and with the Pretura Civile or notary for the Atto Notoria.

    Pre-nuptial agreements should be made with a notary before the event, and submitted to the Marriage Office.

    The Civil Ceremony

    A civil ceremony is performed by an official of the Marriage Office (the Mayor or a delegate) at the Town Hall. Two witnesses must be present and friends and family may attend. If neither party speaks Italian the authorities may insist that an interpreter be present.

    During the ceremony, the official will read from the Codice Civile. The couple will be told the rights and duties between spouses. It will end with them being declared joined in marriage.

    If the couple wish to have joint financial responsibility (beni communi) or retain separate financial responsibilities (beni separati) this should be declared during the civil ceremony. The latter is similar to a pre-nuptial agreement where each partner renounces any claims on the other's assets in the case of divorce or is not liable to any claims against their partner such as in the case of bankruptcy claims, company liquidation etc.

    The Marriage Certificate (Atto di Matrimonio) is drawn up and names and details entered into the Marriage Register (Registro di Matrimonio).

    A civil ceremony may be followed by a separate ceremony or religious blessing.

    Religious Ceremonies

    A Roman Catholic marriage does not require a civil ceremony as the Catholic priest has the authority to register the marriage with the civil registrar. All preparations should be made through the church. Documents required will include those above (aside from divorce documents) as well as baptism and confirmation certificates. Both parties must be confirmed and baptised and attend a church pre-marital course.

    Religious ceremonies for all other churches and faiths must be preceded by a civil ceremony and the marriage certificate should be made available. Arrangements for the service can be made directly with the local officiant.

    Same-s*x Union

    Italy does not currently permit same s*x marriages, although the matter is under discussion at a parliamentary level.

  2. Yes, an American can get married in Italy and many do. There is a lot to do in order to make it happen. These sites describe the requirements:

    I see a lot of foreign wedding parties in Florence, Rome, and the Amalfi coast while out exploring on the weekends.

  3. Of course, i think there are no problem... well, if you're going to marry with an italian there are no problem, but i think there are no problem too if you're an american couple..

    wel, just look at tom cruise and his wife.. they married here in italy!!


  4. yeah an american can.

  5. Just something I remember reading in the "TomCat" wedding...they actually got married in the US to make things official...but the Italian wedding was more for pomp and circumstance. Beautiful tho. it was. Check with your local city offices to be sure ?

    My question would be...any good looking, fairly rich Italian stallion with an obscenely warped sense of humor...wanna marry me and LIVE in <3 ROME<3 haha j/k

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