
Can a balance druid beat a feral druid?

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And if so why do people say feral is bettter?




  1. yes a balance druid can beat a feral druid you just need to keep him or her away from you. What i mostly do is use "nature's grasp" and when they hit you they are in entangling roots, then cast moonfire and insect swarm, then summon your Trent's there life should be decreasing fast, they will probably come out of the roots and come after you, cast entangling roots and then either use moonfire,wrath, or starfire and another insect swarm and another moonfire they should be defeated by then. and if you look at your life nothing really happened to it.(this might work or might not) And know to answer your other question i think balance and feral druids are both equally good!!

  2. To aaron: A good feral druid would reshape shift to get out of entangling roots, To asker:Moonkins have alot of armor, my poor gear balance druid has 10k armor which makes rogues and feral druids attacks down alot. But then again they hit fast so I can't cast spells well my advice is to wrath spam since it has a 70% chance not to lose interuption and keep moonfire and insect swarm up.

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