
Can a bank account be closed in a different branch than where it was opened

by  |  earlier

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Which documents/info would I need to close it? And how long will it take?




  1. Yep, sure can! Just make sure to bring your ID!

  2. Yes. It generally only takes 5 to 10 minutes. Just make sure you have an ID maybe two forms just to be on the safe side.  

  3. All you have to do is to transfer your account. You can`t make new account but transfer it from one branch to other branch!

  4. Yup!  We've done it many times.  They can pull up your acct info from their system.

    You don't need anything to close it, but if you have any money in there, they will cash it out & you will have to sign something.

  5. Yes.  All you need is your ID.  It takes only a minute, but they may try to persuade you to keep your account open with them!

    (at least that's how we do it)

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