During my college years, I accumalated lots of credit card debt and couldn't afford to make the min. payments. I stopped paying. The accounts were charged off, sent to collection agencies who later hired attourneys and filed judgements against me. I didn't go to the court hearing. I was stupid for not going, but I thought it'd simply go away.
The company I work for made a notice that they're not issuing paper paychecks anymore. I must get direct deposit, whether it's through a bank account or payroll card. I have an account with Bank of America which has been served bank levy twice to pay towards my judgements... in addition I'm getting garnished 25% of my wages. Can the plantiff of my cases obtain a bank levy against my payroll card? I'm living in the state of Georgia where the judgements were obtained.
My lesson learned: If I don't have the money in my pocket to pay for something I want, then I obviously don't need it!