
Can a bank refuse you to take your own money out when you have lost your card?

by  |  earlier

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hi, i lost my bank card the other week and ordered a new one, i'm still waiting for it but i need to take money out of my account and the bank said i am not allowed. I have all the right ID but they just wont let me! can they rufuse me to take money out of my own account when its in there? I'm from the UK.




  1. They can and often do :(  I lost my bank card and was getting money out using my passpost and then they refused to do it with that!  In the end I found a simple solution...I got them to print me out a new bank book as I didn't have one and hey presto...printed at one end of bank and money lifted at other end with book :)  Not even bothering to get a new card as just going to close that account, not the first time they have pee'd me off.

  2. i would bloody think not cheeky beggars esp when you got id as long as you have got something with your signature on a passport would be perfect phone up customer services and tell them altho you would probably have received your card by the time you get past all the press this for that press this for this !! good luck tell them about human rights it works for pedo's and murderers lol

  3. If your ID is good, there should be no problem.  Try threatening them with the banking Ombudsman

  4. i would like to know this myself as we had a panic on friday night we couldn't find our bank card and the banks were shut on the week end so we were in a panic put found it sat, but still good to know this question

  5. They cannot refuse you access to your own money, what a d**n cheek.

    Go into the branch ask to see the Manager, take with you ID, passport , bank statements etc., and if they still refuse close the account. It amazes me how they can refuse you!

    I would not put up with this treatment, go tell them politely what you think of them.

  6. They shouldn't, if you have a photo ID and proof of address. Such as a passport and a bill addressed to you. Unless there is a problem with your account I can't see a reason that they would not let you withdraw funds.

  7. This happened to me too. My bank gave me a new card the same day.

    Go and speak to the bank manager about this. He or she should be able to help you. It took me 10 days to get the new card with the new number. But the Temp card you can use now.

  8. being a law student i suggest tht u cant use ur ATM at the moment; but u can draw funds from brach of bank! if they still say no... then contact ur lawyer!

  9. I have done this in my bank before without any problems, i just showed them photo ID. There must be some way you can withdraw your own money, speak to the manager maybe

  10. no

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