
Can a bearded dragon live with an anole?

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i was wondering because i really wanted both but i didnt want to have to spend the mony to get the anole cage AND the beardy cage but if there is anypossible way for them to live to gether (not in the wild) i would realy like to know but if they like eat echother or something then i dont want to do that




  1. NO dont do that plz

  2. These animals require different humidities/habitats entirely, and the beardie WOULD eventually eat the anole, when it got large enough to do so.  It would just look like a big green grasshopper to the Dragon!!!

    Please do not attempt this.  Google both animals, and decide which would be the better pet for you.

    Here's for the beardie:

    --DISCLAIMER-- Please do not keep your lizard(s) of any age on play/repti sand or loose substrate.  Impaction and bacteria issues are real and serious – and can result in death.  Consult your reptile veterinarian for their opinion.

    And links below are for anoles.

    Be a responsible pet owner, and know what you're getting into BEFORE you get into it.  Research the animal from hatching right up to becoming an adult.

    An informed owner is a happy one with a healthy and content pet.

    Good luck!

    I hope this has been helpful.

  3. yah, i wouldn't try it. big carnivorous lizard and a small cute reptile dont mix.

  4. No, never mix species in the same enclosures, in fact most reptiles should be alone, with no companion even of the same species except for breeding.

    They both have totally different requirements to keep them happy and healthy, could mix any parasites and diseases they have which could lead to death, and a Bearded Dragon would gladly eat an Anole if given the chance.

  5. well that would not be a good idea since anoles are more of a tropical lizard and a bearded dragon is a desert lizard they both need differnt cage tempetures and bearded dragons might be imune to something  the anole might not be imune to and the other way around. you should never house reptiles that are differnt sizes because in the reptile world they thik that because they are bigger that means they are more dominant so they think they can kill it in the wild bearded dragons eat small lizards and you dont have yo worry about getting a big cage anoles only need a 10 gallon tank which are like 12 bucks at petco petsmart i have seen on youtube a bearded dragon eating a anole so honestly get another cage

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