
Can a benign lymphoma tumor turn cancerous?

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i have a fatty lymphoma tumor on shoulder blade which is benign. can it turn into cancer?




  1. nope.

  2. I suspect you mean "lipoma" which is a fatty tumor which is often benign.

    There is no benign type of "lymphoma" though there are low grade lymphomas.

  3. Do you mean lipoma? That is considered a benign tumor. There is currently no evidence that a lipoma turns cancerous . . however . . you need to be sure that the fatty tumor is a lipoma and not liposarcoma which can be malignant. Hopefully you have had a biopsy done in this area so that you know exactly what you are dealing with. Lipoma are benign . .the malignant condition is called Liposarcoma . . without a biopsy no one can tell the difference. Incidentally, a common location for liposarcoma is the shoulder area, you may want to have a second opinion from a sarcoma specialist oncologist just to be sure.

    Lipoma Excision

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