
Can a black nation become extremely influential and powerful in and become a super power ?

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od do you think other nations would stop it from happening.

what about if they invented technology that could compete or even better the rest of the worlds. would the media try and use propaganda against them?




  1. Yes; by exporting their citizens to UK to mug, knife and shoot people.

  2. no way  

  3. Yes, I think a black nation can and will become extremely influential and maybe even a super power in years to come. .  During the apartheid regime in South Africa, because of sanctions, their scientists invented the oil from coal process that no other country could copy and it was only after the new democratic government was elected that the process was sold to the USA.    South Africa is the most influential, industrialised nation in the whole of Africa and once they get their politics sorted out will be come very important in that part of the world.  The country has gold, diamonds, platinum, coal etc., nuclear power, a strategic naval base at Simonstown near Cape town, a modern army and air force and, it is rumoured has nuclear capability dating back to the apartheid era.  In time to come, when more of their people are educated (and the universities are bursting at the seams now), when the unemployment situation has been resolved then South Africa will have nothing to stop it from growing economically and politically in that region.

  4. They could if they stopped all of the infighting.

  5. How?

    Look in the real world.

    With unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol all over the land, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time?

    After getting hit on the head with the Book of the Dead of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom?

    In messing up with science and mathematics?

    In moving backwards in time?

    With self lack of knowledge without being aware of being "Reincarnated" like the dead Mummy too from the twilight zone in different time zone?

    Living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone who could not even survive in the real world in different time zone  in time.

    With self lack of knowledge without being aware of the mess of their own creation in own backyards?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  6. to have progress of that order you need is not in the western powers political or financial interests to allow a power full and stable economy in Africa,someone they couldn't,t manipulate or control.Africa will continue to be exploited by all the power full nations for some time to come.

  7. Everyone wants influence and power but at what cost? Freedom, Liberty and natural beauty. The problem is that when a country becomes registered on the US/UK radar as being slightly more powerful that they were yesterday then its time to start loading up the fighter planes and mobilising the troops! Bagdad was a beautiful city before the allied forces did ther extreme makeover on it.

    Look at countries like canada and switzerland, quiet unassuming and beautiful, no real wish to be drawn into the world arena where collected global Jocks get to flex their financial and miltary muscles at those less fortuanate.

    Although I would like to see a country likeKenya become a superpower and start to educate the UK in how to raise kids and be a proper family orientated sociaety.

  8. How silly no one would try and stop a black nation from getting ahead This train of thought is what keeps them down

    You might read up on Liberia a nation founded by black freed American slaves Just to get your interest within a short time they had slaves or maybe Zimbabwe once called the bread basket of Africa

    For the post below ''Over America's dead body'' You Brits are having a field day ragging the yanks I personally have made you pay a price for this never ending B/S and there are many more who feel this way You are easy to spot with that smug accent Just keep it up It is you Brits that left South Africa and Zimbabwe in a mess as you have every country you invaded it is your doing  all the problems in the middle east We must make you pay for this Dang you people get to me with that smug smirk and know it all way of talking I should say

  9. At this moment in time;No.Why?Because there is widespread corruption.

  10. Have you not learn ed anything from the Iraq invasion.

    If any country with black or white had oil or minerals and couldn,t defend itself america would say it had weapons of mass destruction and invade and steel them.

  11. Sadly  I think the answer is no- one only has to look t the state of Zimbabwe and post apartheid South Africa to realise that the idea of a Black superpower is a non-starter.

  12. Can a black nation become extremely influential and powerful ...? Over America's dead body I should say !

  13. Of course they can. The southern kingdom of Nubia in Egypt was ruled by black Africans. Piye (747 - 716 B.C.) was the first Nubian king to conquer Egypt and to install a Kushite dynasty: the XXVth or "Ethiopian" dynasty. From then on, the "Black Pharaohs" who wore the double uraeus (royal serpent fixed to the head-dress), symbol of their double royalty, were to install in Egypt a period of peace, prosperity and artistic renewal which reached its peak under King Taharqa(690 - 664 B.C.). A vast ensemble of temples was built near Napata, in the Gebel Barkal.

    In their time, the kingdom of the Black Pharoahs was a world superpower. There's no reason why, given the right conditions, black countries could not once again produce a superpower.

  14. what do you mean black - they are faced with famine, corrupt governments and aparthedisms etc. They still have a long way to go before they become the next superpower

    China is on their way to become the next superpower. They have more people than the USA, Europe and Russia, Australia combined alone.

    No wonder 99% of our stuff is made in china!

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