
Can a blood test show that i've been smoking hash, if there not looking for it?

by  |  earlier

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like if it's just a rotten blood test would it show the hash substance which ever that is?




  1. Doctors can add a drug screen if they fel it neccesary but look at the tubes they draw it up in, the ones with the goo at the bottom is a serum seperator used for most lab test, if they draw one with a red top and no goo at the bottom that is used for a drug test and for seizure medication levels...


  2. It has to be ordered specifically.  Usually it is urine tests for drugs, not serum (blood).  Again, someone would have to be looking for drugs, and request the test, it isn't part of "routine" tests.

  3. yeah.theyre lookin for contaminates nd junk in ur blood.if thc shows up theyll prolly get u on probation or sumething.but maybe u get lucky and get the doc that believes its a personal issue.

  4. No... and you have to give them permission for them to test for drugs anyway. It falls under the 5th amendment... we have the right not to incriminate ourselves. If they test your blood for substances other than what they specifically signed off on it's illegal and can't be used against you.

  5. Yes, marijuana remains in the blood for at least one month after use, in trace amounts. So if you have a blood test, then it can show up. If you are giving blood for employment purposes, or insurance purposes, they will screen for drugs. Screening for drugs is becoming more common place to prevent interaction between medications on patients who forget what they are taking.

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