
Can a bloodhound track something 3 days ahead?

by  |  earlier

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I know this is a little weird, but I have a golden retriever pup, 4 months old. He ran from home 3 days ago, and we've searched everywhere, put up fliers, announced it over the radio and put it in the paper. Why I'm so desperate to find him is because he's on medication for Puppy Strangles right now. If we don't find him soon, he'll die. I'm thinking that he might be lost in the 50 acres of bush we have outside our house.

So, basically, what I'm wondering is, would it be possible for a bloodhound to track my puppy after 3 days?




  1. According to this article - they can track scents that are several days old as long as he has a scent to follow - ie the puppy's blankets, bed, toy, etc . Good Luck

  2. If you have a friend with a trained bloodhound - ask them for help.  The scent may be too old after three days, but the dog - any dog - might find the puppy out of curiosity and wanting to meet up / play.

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