
Can a boy play va highschool volleyball?

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i'm a 14 year old boy that wants to play highschool volleyball in pulaski county virginia, but the sports coordinator said it was unlawful for me to play




  1. Probably not.  you can probably find a rec league around to play in though.

  2. at my school we have a boys and gurls team there is no co ed its just not like that anymore ask if there is a boys team or something you can join and if not then i guess you can only play in p.e and... u have to choose another sport!

    best of luck. my wishes to ya!!

  3. if i were u i would protest tht u are either allowed on the girls team, or a boys team be formed

  4. Something to do w/ co ed teams are not allowed.  And then there's no boys team.  I had the same problem I taught at.  A group of boys wanted to play, and yet not league for boys.  The association, being a Christian private school would not allow the boys to play with the girls.  Heck, they wouldn't even allow the football team to ride in the same van as the girls cheerleaders, even with staff in the cars.

    Why not try to start a roster, of boys your age, who would be interested in playing, not only in your school, but schools you compete against, and see if it can happen.

    I think they did something like that for soccer here, and ended up getting a girls team, when we had a boys team first.

  5. Legally, they cannot deny you the right to play volleyball on a girls team if there is no boys team available (See title IX). I know in Georgia, if there is a guy on the team, there has to be at least 1 guy on the opposing team for you to be allowed to play. If the athletic director at your school tells you that you cannot play, he is in violation with the statute. Your school could lose federal funding if he chooses not to let you participate.

  6. Where I  live in grades 7-12 its fine for a boy to play volleyball. Some of the other boys talk about it not being 'manly'. But whatever ignore them. I live in Illinois but it every state I am pretty much sure it is legal to play volleyball if you're a boy and you won't be breaking any laws.

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