
Can a bull outrun a horse?

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Can a horse outrun a charging fighting bull, or is a bull faster in the long run? Which has more stamina?




  1. No a bull cant out run a horse but chad johnson can

  2. horse would win on both counts

  3. i think a bull can totally outrun a horse because a bull is faster stronger and powerful than the horse. i know this because i saw a lot of tv shows that tell accidents that happened at bull riding,people got hurt, broken arms legs ribs spine sometimes dead.but in horse racing nothing gets hit or hurt all that happens is that a horse falls because of weak legs.

    as a result like i said before the bull is already faster, stronger and powerful

  4. bulls are not faster than horses.a bull has shorter legs so its stride will be half of a horses horses have a lot more stamina than bulls,even the iberian fighting bulls(toro bravo)the only time a bull catches a horse is when the horse is turned like in a corral or arena..if you dont believe me then go to youtube and watch a video of a horse named "merlin"

  5. no no and no

  6. nah i think the horse would still be faster.

    bulls would be way to fat to outrun a horse

  7. no

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