
Can a car blow up when it's turned upside down?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there, I've been playing a lot of GTA and I'm watching a film where the car is turned on its head and was just wondering why do they blow up? Does this really happen? What's the reason behind this?! :O




  1. Yes.

    Gasoline is volatile regardless of the car's orientatoin.

  2. no it blows down.

  3. Yes, gas leak!

  4. Cars rarely explode like they show in movies or video games. They usually will just catch fire. If there is a gas leak it could explode but that is usually when the gas is slowly leaking into the air. It's gas vapor that explodes. I car will not explode simple from being upside down.

  5. That's all hollywood. Cars don't explode. There can be an explosion from the fuel tank if the conditions are right but not like on TV. Being upside down is no reason to do anthing. If you flip it back over before it loses any of it's fluids you can get in and drive it.

  6. if the fuel system is up to standards and the tank doesn't rupture it shouldn't most car fires I've seen involved leaks near  something hot on the block

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