
Can a cash-out ticket at a casino slot machine be duplicated?

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Can a cash-out ticket at a casino slot machine be duplicated?




  1. Not likely but never say never. Like trying to counterfeit money, its a tough task these day with all the security they have in place. Plus if you get caught you are facing felony fraud and theft. Probably not worth facing jail for a couple hundred bucks. And they have the winner on camera so if they really want to catch you or its a jackpot they can just roll the tapes back.

  2. What do you think?

    Seriously, do you imagine that multi billion dollar corporations who own these casinos would have overlooked the fact that someone could win a thousand dollars, photo copy the ticket ten times and collect $10K?

    I'm sure it's been tried.  But all the tickets have a unique serial number on it.  As soon as you put it into another machine or give it to a cashier it is instantly canceled.  If you insert a copy of that ticket even a second later it will be rejected.  I suspect a fraud alert will instantly be triggered and before you can say "What happens in Vegas..." you will be meeting some of the casino security staff who will be handing you over to the police to answer felony charges.  The law tends to side with the casinos rather heavily and takes a dim view of cheaters.

  3. it is bar coded.  Once it it read into the machine, any duplicate will be rejected.

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