
Can a ccj be issued against a property?

by  |  earlier

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hello all - one of my tenants has left the country at quite short notice, and i have just realised that he has not informed his mobile phone company of this fact. he left no forwarding address ( just said he was going to stay with 'relatives' in south america.)

if the phone company issue a ccj against him, will it have any bearing on credit applications from either myself or future tenants?




  1. Ye it can and probably will be done.

    I rented a flat once in a house and the whole house was 'blacklisted' for credit and subsequently we couldn't get credit despite never being in debt before.

    We had to move eventually, it drove us mad.

    The best thing to do is get in touch with Experian, there are things they can do for you and your property, but not your tenants.

  2. if you return all his post to the sender marked 'gone away' they won't bother taking out a CCJ in the first place.

  3. A ccj is a County Court Judgement. The county court cannot order a judgement to a house only a person. I believe that the law has now changed so that address's can no longer be blacklisted only individuals.

    Just let the phone company know that he no longer lives there, they can blacklist his phone so he can no longer use it.

  4. As far as I'm aware, the ccj applies to the person, not the property.  If the property was only rented by him, then there should be no problem.

    Speak to citizens advice to get the matter fully cleared up, or the Courts Service.

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