
Can a cell phone be a bad thing if it isnt hurting nobody?

by  |  earlier

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I talk on the phone to my boyfriend alot. I'm the middle child and my parents dont let me go out like how I want to. Thay limit me to things that I would like to do and they let my brother and my sister roam freely. I talk to my boyfriend alot and my parent think its a problem. They say that its a bad thing. It's not smoking or drinking or having s*x with a person with std. I'm not bothering nobody. It's just talking on the phone. My little brother plays video games all day and my parents dont say nothing to him. My sister ride around and waste gas in shopping buying unnecessary things. She come home like at midnight and my parents dont say anything. They just so strict on me. Is being on the phone a bad thing? It's not hurting anyone or bothering people.




  1. maybe your parents want you to do more than just sit around and talk on the phone, like be active and play outside. thats probably why they set that rule, though i agree its unfair.

    also the low frequency electric fields in cell phones are said to damage your brain, so technically, its hurting you.

    Talk to your parents about how you feel. They may try and be more fair.

    if not, tell your parents your going on a walk or biking or something and secretly bring your cell phone. talk to your boyfriend where your parents cant see you.

  2. They probably think your too young to be involved and focusing on one guy and they may be right. My mom was like that when I was 14 and I thought I knew everything. I ended up getting married and divorced, wished I had listened to her. Take your time and meet different people. That doesn't mean you can't still talk to him or see him but believe me between now and the time you turn 25 you are going to learn and change so much that what you want now or who you want now will not be the same in 2 years from now. Enjoy meeting and dating different people I wish I had.  

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