
Can a charity deny someone assistance based on religion?

by  |  earlier

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Someone I know was receiving assistance from a charity. They gave her a job at one of their facilities, etc. However, they required that she attend religious services. She said she couldn't and they told her she was fired.




  1. Although I don't agree with it, I'm pretty sure they are able to deny whoever they like. They are private organizations.

  2. If the charity is a religious  organization and not taking any federal money they can.

  3. when we say charity, it is an act where we help other people who we do not even know and not expecting anything from them in return.

    in the situation you have given, the organization does not have the right to fire her under the following circumstance: if that someone you know does not have any religious affiliation at all. the question is, was the organization (or charity as how you used it) properly informed about that someone's religion?

  4. religious organizations have rules that clients need to follow as part of thier programs

  5. I would be going to the local press.  

    Religion and  beliefs are in the heart not the backside as it sits in a church.

    Its not reasonable to attach a condition of employment that extend out side of work hours and into your spiritual belief.  

  6. I don't think they can do that, if it's a public charity which receives federal funding.  She should see an attorney.  I'm a Christian, but it's not my right to force that on others.  She might want to look at your state's employment laws.

  7. They arent aloud to do that, i'd talk to legal (lawyers) ppl about it just for advice

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