
Can a child be homeschooled half way thru an academic year?

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We are planning on moving to another country for a few years but are still not sure about it. We were planning on home schooling our kids while we were there. Can we start home schooling 1/2 way thru the academic year if we move during the middle of the year.




  1. Of course, you can.  Check out this link for your state laws and how to do that.


  2. Yes you can, there are many charter schools available that will provide you with books and on-line schooling and if you need they will send you computer and there are teachers available to help you if you need. My kids are on an excellent curriculum. We send out work samples to the teachers every month and they also go for PSSA tests and field trips that you can sign up for. The kids are generally done in 4 hours.

  3. yes of course. wat country are u going to *if im not being too nosy...* i think it would b a great opportunity to learn things there, by  looking in a museam there, on etxra time

  4. Yes, they can.

    What I really wanted to say though is there is nothing wrong with being taught by your mum. It's what mothers have been doing successfully for thousands of years! I'm 15, perfectly happy being educated at home by my mum and wouldn't alter that for anyone/anything.

    The poster who claims no kid wants to be taught by their mum is not only talking unsubstantiable b.s. she is merely revealing heaps about her own relationship with her own mum.

  5. Of course not! How would you like to finally make some good friends and then just leave? That's really not fair! It's bad enough to get home schooled in the beginning of the school year but now they probably just got used to the new schedule or routine and then they have to move and learn a new one. No kid would want there mom to teach them either. For the sake of your children please do not move yet. Just wait until summer, tell them so they could hang out with there friends and have a good time.

  6. Yes, you can start homeschooling at any time.  Living in another country would be an incredible experience for your family!

  7. You sure can.  You can start anytime you like.   Sounds like a great opportunity.

  8. Of  course. Why couldn't you??? Find out where the kids are and go from there! I pulled my kids out in the middle of the year and actually they finished before the school year ended! They were done before their friends so we moved on to the next grade!

    Good luck to you

  9. I wouldn't do that because they will learn their subjects a different way since you might teach them differently and they won't get anything.

  10. Of course you can.  You can start homeschooling any time - that's part of the beauty of it.  We started part-way through a year, too - in fact we only intended to home school for that year, thinking it would be difficult for our sons to start a new school part-way through.  However we all loved homeschooling so much that we continued - but that's another story!

    When you move, you'll find that the whole venture is in itself educational - planning the journey, deciding what to take, finding your way around in a new town, using different money, possibly learning a new language... there's no need to do any formal 'schoolwork' for several months since just moving covers so many subjects.  If you read books together and discuss life and everything else that comes up, your children will have a wonderful educational experience, and you'll bond together better as a family.

  11. Sure.

    When we started, it was a few weeks into the school year and we have never looked back.

    I think your move to another country could be a priceless opportunity for your kids.

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