
Can a child have autism and still be social?

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I have been reading up on autism and Asperger's Syndrome a lot lately because we have some concerns about our four year old son. He fits the characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome except for one thing, children with Asperger's are typically known to be very anti-social. Our son is the most social child we have ever seen. In fact we get comments all the time on how out-going and social he is.

So my question is, can a child have an autism spectrum disorder and still be social?




  1. i would think so.  i mean, there are different degrees of the disorders.  typically they cannot relate with others, they just dont get it or understand how to do so, but if its mild i would think that it wouldnt be as much of an issue.  i saw something on tv the other day about a woman with asperger's and she was a teacher.

  2. Yeah, that's why they throw the word Spectrum in there. Everyone is affected differently. Some people are off in their own little world, and others seem totally "normal".

  3. i work with a man who's daughter is autistic and she loves coming up and giving hugs to everyone she sees! it's very cute. it really depends on the child. if you have suspicions, it's best to take your son to a doctor. best wishes

  4. you are better off asking a qualified physiologist in that field they would point you in the right direction, and give you advice you probably never thought of i hope this helps

  5. Yes. It just depends on how serious the disorder is.

  6. yes definately

  7. Yeah, he can be social and still have autism.  Sometimes with autism the child can be social, but not might respect the social norms.  They may constantly talk about something such as trains constantly, without recognizing their audience's body langauge that may show that they are getting bored or have to leave.  They may also interupt a lot (but what child doesn't).

    I know some children with asperger's syndrome who are highly social, but they usually don't follow social norms.

  8. This question reminds me of the fact that apparently any child with autism is unable to make and maintain eye contact, something which is totally untrue. As we find out and begin to understand more about autistic spectrum disorders a lot of these long held beliefs that were set in stone are being proved wrong. A lot of children with an ASD appear to be extremely sociable but once you look a little deeper you will notice they have subtle differences in their ways of socialising. Many will watch people and then copy how they behaved, others will talk straight at you but not expect you to reply. Others become a different character who they feel confident to be and who doesn't have the same hang ups that they do. No two people with an ASD are ever the same and the same applies when they are interacting with others. As yet we don't know much about autism so each case needs to be looked at individually. My own daughter is profoundly autistic but she can be the most out going and sociable person there is, but it is all a facade for her to hide behind. Like you I get comments all the time from people who say she can't possibly be autistic because she is outgoing and can maintain eye contact. If you are worried about your son get him to have an assessment with a good clinical psychologist. Good luck.

  9. Self-diagnosis is often wrong. Some children develop metal maturity levels later than others. If you think your child has autism, please consult an actual psychiatrist.

    I've known a few autistic children in my life, and they were very friendly. However, the children I worked with didn't have much empathy for others at times. So yes, Autistic children can be social. =]

  10. I think so. It really just depends on the severeness of his condition. One of the girls from America's Next Top Model has a mild form of Autism, but she did great. I don't think just because a child has a medical condition that he/she should be labled in any way. If you put him down and tell him that he can or cannot do something then he won't be social. The best thing to do is to encourage him, and treat him the same as any other child.

  11. Yes... mine is very social and very talkative but does have limitations in his speech.

    Autism is a spectrum disorder and affects every child differently.

  12. I volunteered for special olympics and met many sociable children with autism.

  13. My aspies are VERY social, and it's not that all people with aspergers are anti-social, it's that they don't know APPROPRIATE social interactions. My kids share a little TOO much information, they talk on and on when people are finished, and they also go on about their interests without considering other topics.

  14. Yes, mostly girls. But, we have a 20 year old who is very social (not necessarily appropriately). He wants everyone to be his friend. He wants everyone to listen to him, or converse with him. He waxes loquaciously all the time, much to the discomfort of others.

    We have another who is not overly social with his peers, but is very social with his teachers.

    If your child does indeed have Asperger's, you can be thankful that at this early stage he shows social skills. Most parents I have encountered in my elementary years, were so upset by the lack of social skills.

  15. I have a cousin with Aspereger Syndrome.  He doesn't do very well.  It usually gets worse into young adult life.  In childhood, it's not too bad.

  16. yes, my friend's nephew has autism and he is social.

  17. my boyfriends younger brother has autism.  he's not the most social kid, and is usually kept to himself.  i dont think its always that they are non-social, they just dont have the social skills that most people have by nature.  they don't look people in the eye when they talk, and stuff like that.  it really depends on the kid and how eager he is to interact with other kids.

    when my boyfriends brother was put on medicene to calm him, he became more anti-social. he would sit in his room the entire day.

  18. it really depends on the degree in which they have it.

    i know a kid that has autism and he does all the same things as his brother that doesn't.

  19. my daughters nephew is autistic...he is very can tell he is autistic but we still talk to him like hes a normal person and he talks too..i think he is in 8 or 9th grade now

  20. Autistic children are not really social, they like to isolate themselves. But your child could have a mild form of autism and still be social. I know of a few children who have autism, talk a lot. When he talks, does he just blurt things out, out of the ordinary? Or does he have real conversation with a person? Most autistic kids just blurt things out, or talk about their favorite things, (i.e. favorite food, tv shows, etc.) I would take him to a psycologist to get a true diagnosis.

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