
Can a child live with their grandma to go to a private school even though his parents are in another state?

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Are there certain custody laws or something? Or can the child simply live with grandma to go to the private school?




  1. I belive that there are laws pertaining to this which differ from state to state.  It might help to check this out before sending the child to live with grandma if thats what you are planning on doing.

  2. Yeah, my friend lives with his aunt & uncle in NY to go to private school while his parents are in London & its totally legal.

  3. I wouldn't send my children to their grandparents to live unless it was an emergency. I want my children to be with me.

    There are private school near my home so why would I send them to another state unless I suspect my children are not going to be raised properly and prefer the grandparents to raise them. Again, I would never send my children to their grandparents to raise. I made them, I raise them.

  4. The child can totally live with the grandparent. The parents are still the legal gaurdians, but the child is living with the grandparent.

  5. As long as the parents are ok with it...I lived with a Aunt who wasn't really an Aunt when I went to High School...It's up to the parents though!

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