
Can a child with ADD get good grades?

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i mean if they cant focas then they would get bad grades

so if they get really good grades then they cant have add and they are just acting out




  1. Yes, a lot of children with ADD are highly intelligent and capable of getting good grades. If she is just really smart, she may not need to focus on the material too much to remember it and pass her tests. While I don't have ADD, I never once had to study for a test, so it doesn't always take much attention. The work she has at school may not be very challenging for her. All I am saying is that marks at school alone are not very strong criteria for determining whether or not a child has ADD.

  2. ya!

    im ADD & im on the A B honor roll...i just have to take adderall so i can focus

  3. Kids with ADD, if taught properly, are excellent students.  Teachers need to take into account their particular learning style.  Many kids with ADD are wonderful multitaskers.

    The real problem is finding teachers who understand that not all kids learn the same way.  This is where parents have to be good advocates for their children.

    Be well.

  4. I have ADD, and I get straight A's. I am a bit older though. I have mild ADD though.

    I can't concetrate well, but I can seem to get great grades and study.

  5. yes a child can get good grades if they have ADD they just need to apply there self and also work with someone else because if there is someone else there they can help the child focus

  6. not true.....peope with ADD can get good grades. i have ADHD and scored very well on a lot of my tests that required focus.

    i just never did my homework and stuff....but thats for another reason lol.

  7. Wait a minute!  ADD/ADHD does not mean that the child can't focus, it only means that they can have difficulty focusing at some times or on some things.  Especially if a subject really catches their interest, they can focus intensely on that subject and do very well.  Some people (children and adults) with ADD/ADHD find it easier to focus in group settings than one on one, and so may well do much better in a classroom setting than at home.  As an adult (48) with ADD/ADHD and dyslexia, and having a 13 year old son with the same issues, I have done a great deal of research on this (and it is a subject that I can focus on very well), and every individual is different.

  8. My friend is ADD, she takes a pill each morning that calms her down - but even when she forgets, she does well. They can get excellent grades.

  9. Of course they can get good grades. You're clearly mistaken. ADD is a legitimate medical condition. It doesn't mean someone CANNOT focus, it means they have difficulty focusing. Kindly research before you post your drivel here.

  10. You can have ADD and still make good grades.  The higher your IQ, the harder it can be to detect ADD because you are able to finish you work faster before getting frustrated and distracted.

  11. My son went from D's and F's for 4 years to A's  all A's as soon as we put him on adderall. kept all the A's for 4 years on Adderall...but as he got older he decided he would rather not have the medication....His grades are a's b's and c's mostly b's and c's with a couple that slid down to d's but pulled up to c's before report card time....he seems happier though, without the medication....His school is on a 6 pt grading scale...(not the traditional 10 pt it is tougher to make good grades)

  12. A child with ADD can indeed get good may be more difficult for them to "stay focused" but if given ample breaks and time, they will succeed. Organization strategies is a must for children with ADD as well because their disorganization impairs concentration and success. Patience is key when working with children who have specific needs. Recognize them and work with them.  :)

  13. Most children with AD/HD are VERY VERY Smart and Do get good grades.

    AD/HD is NOT A DISEASE It is a Chemical imbalance within the brain and it is nothing to be ashamed of.

    Girls do not show the same signs as boys with Ad/hd I would recommend you reading the book "Understanding Girls with AD/HD" it may help you understand it is not a negative label.

    My sister who is AD/HD was in the top of her class, National Honor Society, Full College Scholarship and has an AMAZING Career.  She was diagnosed in Jr High.

    I am also AD/HD and wasn't diagnosed until I had my 3rd daughter, I wish I was diagnosed earlier but I didn't show the "signs".

    My sister is the NEAT FREAK and I am NOT. I have the Creative Streak and my sister doesn't. But we BOTH will bounce around from one thing to another and unless our husbands remind us at times we both will get WAY off track and never finish anything.

    Also those with AD/HD can HYPER Focus on things, my sister with school/sports/ and me with baking/gardening/reading.

  14. Some kids who have ADD don't have the 'hyper' type. And yes the ones who are and are not hyper CAN get good grades.

    A child CAN act out AND get good grades. The child could be 'gifted' really smart, and get good grades because they are smart, and act out at the same time becuse they are bored out of their mind.

    Because schools work is made so easy, they lower the standards on school work so they can GET MORE MONEY.

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