
Can a christian be a Marxist?

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  1. Marxism is, for the most part, an economic viewpoint or ideology, which discusses and addresses the "means of production," those who own the means (i.e., the hegemony), and those who must work for other (i.e., the proletariet). While Marx addresses these ideas via capital in the sense of economics, Bourdeau extends them to "cultural capital."

    In either case, it is like, to some extent, asking if a Jew can be a Capitalist or Socialist. So, the answer is "yes" provided the religious narrative that is constructed by the given religion can be appropriated to moralistically and ethically follow the actions.

  2. Generally speaking, Christians have to be feudalists.  God is the Lord and everything belongs to Him.  No exceptions.  Any rights or privileges you enjoy are purely at His whim.

    Of course, since all humanity is in the 'peasant' class together, I suppose any particular economic system you adopt internally that the Lord doesn't disagree with is probably fine.  Perhaps socialism could be a manifestation of the notion that nothing belongs to any human so they all have to play nice with it.

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