
Can a closed adoption file in Virginia, USA be opened?

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A friend of mine, Michael, was adopted when he was a very young child. His father was only 16 years old and his mother was only 13 years old at the time of his birth. His parents couldn't take care of him, and his grandmother took him from his parents and put him up for adoption. He was adopted and his birth name, including both given name and surname, was changed. He has had some contact over the years with his birth parents. They acknowledge him, but they don't seem to want much contact with him. His birth parents got married a few years after he was born, and they eventually had 6 other children. They are ashamed of Michael because he was born out of wedlock! Michael wants proof that he is who he says he is, because his adoptive mother, who has a mental illness, claims to be his birth mother. She refuses to open his adoption file. His adoptive father is deceased. He is now 50 years old and needs help to prove his true identity. He has tried in the past to get this done, but has come up against a brick wall each time. I hope that you can help me to finally get him some help. Thank you for reading this far and for any help you can offer.




  1. Have you thought about going to see the government department that handled your friends adoption? If they can't help much then I suggest you see a lawyer that specialises in past/current adoptions. I know where I live (in Australia) that is what you do (my husband is adopted, it was closed but once he turned 18 he didn't sign a piece of paper that says his biological mum cant contact him, so technically both of them can contact each other). I have also got a friend who used to live in Virginia and he had a friend that was adopted and he visited a lawyer who helped him along the right path . (luckily they personally knew the lawyer, so it was free)  

  2. Unfortunately, a closed file is a closed file.  He has no rights to that adoption record.  No matter how wrong it is, that is the current law.

  3. i didt think it was possible to open a closed adoption case

  4. Here are the details regarding adoption records in Virginia -

    Sadly it's a closed records state.

    I'm sorry that he can't get his own records - his truth.

    Can he reach out to some of his bio siblings???

    Out of 6 - surely someone would be interested in contact - I would hope.

    This sucks.

    He should be allowed his own information.

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