
Can a collection agency call after you have given them your bankruptcy attorney's number?

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I received a phone call from a collection agency about a month ago, Tibouron Financial to be exact. I told them very nicely that I had retained a bankruptcy attorney and gave them his name and number. They have called me twice today, and everytime they have called, I would answer the phone on the second ring and there would be a dial tone. Also I should add that this was 7:30 at night. What should I do?




  1. Often you'll find that collection agencies have automated diallers, they dial numbers from a list and when you answer a call center agent is connected to your call, it doesn't connect an agent until the call is answered and saves time from the staff dialing busy numbers etc.  What will sometimes happen is that if all the agents are busy, when you answer there will be nobody available so it'll dump the call.

    Just ignore the calls, or give your attorney the information. You could also call your phone company and have a bar put on the number.

  2. Call your attorney and give him the info.!

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