
Can a college teacher fail his student because of foolishness like laughing inside the class?

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  1. they can remove u for disruptive behaviour but u must have a chance to turn in the assignments.

    they can fail u based on assessments- if u fail the assessments then , u will fail the course.  

  2. Not unless the student's grades warrant a failing grade. But it won't put you in favor should you land borderline between two grades...and you may be asked to leave. Possibly permanently. That would hurt your academic career...

  3. No

  4. They can remove you for disruptive behavior.

  5. Yes.  With some stipulations.

    If you're disrupting the class and making it impossible for the other students to learn.  If you're disrupting enough to make it hard for the professor to teach.

    A lot of professors I've had had an attendance policy, and getting kicked out of the class meant that you weren't counted as there that day.  Miss too many days and you fail, no matter what the grade was that the student earned.

  6. no they can't fail u.

  7. Professors has the right( as well as other students in the class) to provide a safe learning environment.  If an individual disturbs the class (ie. laughing, talking, etc..) and did not refrain from his/her behavior after being warned, then it is within the right of the instructor to remove that student from class for disturbance. (either temperally, or permanently)  

    BUT, he cannot fail the student based on that offense alone...  unless it's explicitly stated in the beginning of class and written in the syllabus.

  8. Depends on what the rules are for that particular school. Disruptive behavior at some very conservative schools can cause you to loose at least a letter grade.  

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