
Can a commercial diving boat load & unload supplies and passengers directly on private property beachfront?

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This question applies to the Philippines. They park their boat in front of my gate where we enter the beach front instaed of using their own resort beach front. I realize the beach area is public bur I do nto believe commercial boats profiting from their busines should be allowed to park in front of our residence to spoil ou retirement. This is done every day morning and afternoon. Please help.




  1. It depends on what the law in the Philippines is regarding beach front property. Many times the property is not private below the high tide water line.

  2. In the US you must have a captains licence to carry paying passengers in a vessel. Find out what type of licences he has. If not report him to the US Coast Guard or the equivellant there. If they have some type of marine patrol contact them about the local regulations for where private charters can / cannot take people. Hope that this helps. Also his vessel has a total weight/persons that he can carry if he is exceeding this limit he can be fined (States) he must have PDF's, life rafts etc...

  3. NO, because private property, is private. the liner need to dock at a lic. boat launch

  4. They are defenitley in breach of the law they need to get a permit for doing such things.

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