
Can a computer watch you or record you even if you dont have a webcam? ?

by  |  earlier

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could a laptop randomly record you and watch what your doing at home and send information about you to other ppl

im just curious

and this is if you dont have a webcam at all




  1. They are starting to. The FCC is cracking down on internet-based pedophilia rings. They implement a tracking cookie and it flickers on a webcam (or on-moniter projection device, which are in most moniters made in the last 10 years) and takes short clips of the user... It then uses the EXIF data to find the user correctly and enters it into the database. Repeated offenses are reported to the FBI and investigated. I have heard of people getting buster by it. It may be a security risk, but it's working.

    Nothing to be worried about unless you're breaking laws.

  2. lol nahh, its got nothing to 'see' you with.

  3. No, that is completely impossible unless there is a webcam attached to the PC.

  4. You will need webcam to do that

  5. no, not without a camera or outside the realm of science fiction

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