
Can a concept that is expressed in English (or whatever) be expressed exactly in Spanish?

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Is it harder in one language than the other?




  1. Concept is something conceived in the mind, a thought, a notion.  It's an abstract or generic idea generalized from particular instances.  If that is what you mean, the answer is yes, though a qualified yes.  Taking Spanish as the example, there are many concepts in English than translate quite with a high degree of exactness into Spanish.  But. . . no translation is really exact.  There is never full exactness or equivalency between one language and another.  But we can find, with easyness, many really close approximations.  "Mama' " is not an exact equivalent for "Mother",  But in a conceptual frame, there is enough exactness in the meaning of both to conclude that they are equivalent concepts in each of both languages.  

    I suppose that you have good command of the Spanish language.  If it is so, look for an read "Miseria y Esplendor de la Traduccio'n", an essay by Jose Ortega y Gasset.  It will put you in a true perspective when you give thought to this topic.  You will like it.  Good luck.  Adian.  

  2. I think so.  In fact, I find that spanish often has words that express what I'm trying to say better than english does.

  3. No, not all expressions can be translated into the same way in Spanish and vice versa.

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