
Can a conservative ger make aliyah then get married in E. I. ?

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I found this on

"If your conversion was carried out by a rabbi recognized by the Conservative, Reform or Orthodox movements, you will be eligible to immigrate to Israel regardless of your ability to prove your mother's Jewishness. "




  1. No.  Orthodox are in control of marriages (as it should be) to make sure that the lines are kept uninterrupted mostly for priestly/mamzerim reasons.

    Just do halachic return/conversion while you are there or you can do halachic return/conversion in country you are in prior to going to EI as long as you go thru proper beit din.  The process is sped up if you already recognized.  I recommend this option.

    Edit:  Yes, that's correct.

    Edit:  OK Kismet doesn't beat around the bush she is Orthodox and I am not but I support them 100%. So I just explain like this. I don't know if you Jewish or not but the Diaspora we have been to the ends of earth 2,000 years and back again so who knows what dirt we picked up? Do mikvah it is good for you (and good for us.)

    Edit:  No, I did not say that to you I am guilty of being friendly (too friendly) sometimes but that's about it.  These questions you will need to pose to a Beit Din as you will not find the answer you seek thru Y!A on religious matters.

  2. Don't.

    We must empty the Zionist state of all its Jews.

    But not the JPAs.  They dislike real Jews about as much as we do.

    Have a nice day.

  3. I am sorry to tell you that according to Jewish Law, one who has been converted by the Conservative movement is still a non-Jew.

    Your best bet would be to contact your LOR (local Orthodox rabbi) and undergo a halakhic conversion.

    And stay away from people who call themselves JPA.


  4. So--forget the last bit that the above poster.  In any event, the difference is between being allowed into Israel under the Law of Return and being able to be married there.

    As far as the rest--it saddens me greatly that we call each other names.  You would've thought that that would've ended with the Holocaust.  Just goes to show that every group has its intolerant bigots.  I know what the halacha is, but I would *never* be so unkind.  Neither would my own LOR.

  5. No, Conservative conversions are not recognized in Israel as they do not convert the way the Torah says

  6. Unfortunately, yes.

    Please keep in mind THAT YOU ARE NOT REALLY JEWISH.

    If you really wanted to be Jewish, you would have bothered to convert ACCORDING TO JEWISH LAW.

    Currently, the only such conversion is done by the Orthodox.

    Do us all a favor; stay where you are, and please do not date Jewish women!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Yes, you can make aliyah if the Conservative rabbi who converted you was recognized by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, as a Reform conversion would need to be recognized by the Union for Reform Judaism, a Reconstructionist by the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation, etc. However, the Orthodox have a monopoly on marriages, and they don't see non-Orthodox converts to Judaism as Jews. However, Israel will recognize marriages in the diaspora.

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