
Can a conure, african grey, or cockatoo talk?

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i can't decide which bird to get. i want one that talks! so can any of these birds speak at all?




  1. My Grey talks all the time.

    Don't just get a Grey because you think it's cool.  My Grey is like a 3 year old child - she acts like one, demands like one, and behaves like one.  And if you scold a grey or get mad at it, they get totally confused.  THEY ARE NOT HUMAN!! even though they can talk like one - if you punish them for screaming or anything else, they become confused, scared, depressed, and will start pulling their feathers out.  Same thing if they get bored.

    Short answer is do your homework and be very prepared to spend the rest of your life working with your bird, because they should live to be 70 or 80.

  2. I have an umbrella cockatoo and when it comes to big birds period,  make sure you have alot of extra time on your hands!  They get very demanding and require alot of T.L.C and as long as you give them that they will be your best friend.

  3. have you looked in to the behaviors of each kind of bird? How they act? Their other normal behavior? Their aggression or affection towards people? Their level of care? I think all of these answers would be much more importants.

    To answer your question, though:

    Conures don't usually talk. Some types will. We have a white eyed conure, she has a pretty good sized vocabulary, like a lot of white eyes. White eyed conures are also usually the friendliest conures and the quitest. Any of the other conures, Jendays, Sun Conures, Etc... aren't really known to talk. But they are known to squak. And SCREAM! REALLY LOUD! A lot! They can also become pretty nippy.

    Most cockatoos are pretty friendly. I use to hand raise goffin cockatoos and I loved them. They act like big babies. And they are pretty good about mimicking sounds. But as for talking, they usually don't talk that much.

    African greys tend to have VERY large vocabularys, and are known to be the talkers of the bird world. I have never really worked with Greys, so I can comment about their personality or ease of care.

    I should hope that how talkative the bird is isn;t what makes you decide on what one to get. You should look into temperment and other aspects way above that one

  4. think the other 2 ladies coverd this one pretty well.stressing the importance of mum had greys and they are lots of work. I have a rose breasted cockatoo and he is brill, he is a baby and says a few words allready, shakes hands , dances, kisses, swings unside down and lies down. These birds are very playfull but it is a lifetime commitment for all these birds ,they will not allow you to neglect them, if so the will scream and have very bad behaviour.

    Parakeets and ringnecks are good starting birds they can talk and play but dont need as much hands on work, oh also cockateils are great, they talk 2.......

  5. African grays are the best talkers. Some cockatoos talk and not many conures are talkers   Indian Ringnecks are GREAT talkers

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