
Can a convicted felon (breaking and entering and robbery, unarmed) that is on parole for 20 years?

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Take a martial arts class. Someone I know of is doing this. I asked him what belt he was now and he replied " I am not interested in the belts I do not want them" Which lead me to believe that maybe he can not legally be taking these classes.

Is there some law or parole voliation against it?




  1. I don't see why there would be. Maybe he really doesn't care, he just wants to learn martial arts without competitions and tests.

  2. ask your parole officer if you are the one on parole.

  3. None that I can think of... I hope the instructor grills him and asks why he wants to do it... Some people are just interested in the knowledge and self-defense and aren't concerned with ranking. Can he legally take the classes? Sure. No law against going to a school. However, the intent behind his attending martial arts school may be an issue.

    If his underlying plan is to use his newfound knowledge to make him a better robber, then yeah, that's wrong. On the flip side, he could be doing it to develop a sense of self-discipline and get his life back on track.

    How well do you know the guy? Ask him point blank why he's taking the martial arts classes. If he seems reluctant to tell you (maybe he doesn't know you know about his felony record), and red flags go up in your mind, you may want to talk to his instructor.

  4. Looks like you're just jealous that he's better than you, despite making mistakes in the past.

    Belts? a belt doesn't mean you learned how to fight, it just means you paid your monthly fee, stayed long enough, and passed some test in a controlled enviroment.

    He doesn't want them because he's beyond that; he doesn't need a black belt to impress people, he just came there to learn.

    looks like you're out to get a high ranking belt to make up for personal issues.

    let him live his life, stay out of it, and get a life yourself.

  5. Martial arts are also a really good way of learning temper control and self discipline as well, they are much less about actually fighting.

  6. Why not? I don't know of any law that would stop him from taking the course.

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