
Can a convicted felon get a passport?

by Guest10745  |  earlier

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Can a convicted felon get a passport?




  1. Sure.  We prefer to get scum out of the country.

  2. Nix ,Nein ,Frankenstein....Not unless he or she has consulted

    with the Govenor of their state and Sought to have their

    Criminal Past pardoned by Said Govenor of the same State.

    Sorry Guy...But you Can't Fly

  3. no

  4. go to NYC and have a fake one made?

    it isn't right, but what's worse, u doing this? or 'pres' bush being a puppet  to the prince of darkness?

    what did you do exactly?

    I hope u robbed a bank

    that sounds like fun!

  5. In the US if they're not on Parole or IN JAIL. They should be able to according to these people.

  6. This varies from country to country. Usually they can get them providing there are no further court orders restricting their movements.

  7. A convicted felon in the US having served their time has every right to a passport.  If you are a US citizen and are not on any terrorist watch lists, been convicted of forging passports or fraudulently using travel documents, then you can get a passport.

  8. After they have served their time yes.

    That being said many countries will not issue them an entry Visa though.

  9. this will depends entirely on the passport agency and on the offense.

    A passport shall not be issued in any case in which the Secretary of State

    determines or is informed by competent authority that the applicant is subject

    to imprisonment or supervised release as the result of a felony conviction for

    a Federal or state drug offense if the individual used a U.S. passport or

    otherwise crossed an international border in committing the offense ..."

    through the process of applying for a passport.  If he is denied, the appeal

    process will be outlined in the denial.  At that point, he might have to get

    an attorney involved.

    since you did not give much info, it is hard to answer you correctly.

    but if you were to get a passport? you may not be able to get a visa from other countries, all depending on the offense.

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