
Can a cop just pull you over for a blow off value?

by Guest11090  |  earlier

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im curios if a cop can just pull you over for hearing a blow off value coming out of a 240. can they just hear that and lights come on or do they need a true reason why to pull you over...i hate burbank CA




  1. To keep the everything in order, Yes they can to make sure it will safe for the city. They will follow a guide line and that guide line permit them to keep the city in order.

  2. If you were driving in a manner that it was very loud then you were puled over for more than just the noise.  I'm tired of everyon always being th victim when they get pulled over.

  3. You didn't say if you were issued a citation or not...Among all the do's and don'ts of driving, there are some lesser known rules about noise, as well as exhaust pollution...Especially in CA...I know Burbank can be a bit tougher than surrounding communities - I grew up there...We always have to be aware of how our vehicle is performing...The littlest thing, like a worn tire (treads can be seen while moving), can get you pulled over...Then what started out as just an 'advisory' stop gets complicated if the registration, driver's license or insurance aren't up to snuff.

  4. Cops don't stop people for no reason.Perhaps you need to take a closer look at your driving mate.

  5. Cops can pull you over for any reason or no reason at all; it it so unfair for them to have so much authority.....Power to the people!

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