
Can a cop search during a routine traffic stop your car if you have a prior drug charge for no reason?

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Can a cop search during a routine traffic stop your car if you have a prior drug charge for no reason?




  1. Yes,

    even if they don't have a "reasonable suspicion", they'll make one up. Who's a judge & jury going to believe, you or a cop?

  2. They can search any part of the car the driver controls like under the seats, the glove box, the back seat, etc. without having to get permission or a warrant. This is for officer safety. They can search the other parts of the car if you give them permission, and you would be surprised how many people give permission once asked.

  3. No, an officer cannot search your car simply because you have a prior drug charge.  He can search your car if (1) you allow him to do so; (2) he has probable cause that there is a weapon, contraband, or evidence of a crime; (3) you have been arrested; or (4) your car is being towed or impounded.  Having a prior drug offense, without more is not probable cause that you currently have any drugs in the car, so the answer is no, he cannot search.  That being said, if you have a prior drug conviction AND there is something else indicating recent drug use, that may be sufficient probable cause.  

  4. There are three ways they can search. Four, if you are on house arrest. 1, consent  2, warrant  3, if an illegal substance is in plain view from outside of your vehicle during the time the officer is speaking with you, they can search. This means even an open beer.

  5. It depends on the laws of your state.  What happened with your drug charge?  Did you plead guilty?  If so, did you agree to a 4th amendment waiver?  If you did, you are subject to search without a warrant.


    Federal courts and most state courts. (51) have long treated motor vehicles differently from persons and residences. The way in which vehicles are used and the comprehensive way in which states regulate them have led to the recognition that people have reduced expectations of privacy in their motor vehicles. Consequently, the general rule in federal courts is that officers may search a motor vehicle without a search warrant if they have probable cause to believe evidence or contraband is inside. (52) Given this reduced expectation of privacy generally, courts have little problem justifying warrantless searches of probationers' and parolee' vehicles on less than probable cause under either the regulatory/administrative search theory or the Fourth Amendment balance of interest test. (53)

  6. the fascist pigs can do whatever they want

    they can search your car if they feel you are acting "nervous"....who isnt nervous when they get pulled over?

  7. Sure they can search your car & if you refuse to let them, you'll be good as admitting you've got something to hide.

  8. ys they can pull you over and make up any reason for doing so such as you swerved a little even though you didnt and yes they can search all of you car for any bullshet reason. the laws are very good here compare to some countries for instance in texas you can carry a gun and shoot somebody if they look the wrong way at you its nuts

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