
Can a cornsnake socialize with a milksnake a bit larger then him?

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Can a cornsnake socialize with a milksnake a bit larger then him?




  1. i think if you don,t want problems you should put them in separate tank because snakes don't like to live in group

    it can stress them

    they can figth

    one can try to eat the other

    it can caugth parasitis

  2. It's a little-known fact that among snakes, cannibalism is considered only polite when greeting a new friend.

  3. Snakes do not socialize.  They will see other snakes as possible predators.  They are solitary animals who only seek out mates during breeding season.  I wouldn't chance it.

  4. Never put different species together because they think the will have to compete for food and everything else,the dominate one will try to eat the weak one so no they fight.

  5. yes they can but feed them in different cages i had 2 kingsnakes 1 honduren milk snake and 5 cornsnakes living in a 30 gallon and they all got a long fine i had to give them a way becuase 1 snake got out

  6. No. Milksnakes are snake eaters. They are in the genus Lampropeltis, which is the same genus as kingsnakes. All members of this genus are cannabilistic and will even eat their own kind. If you put a cornsnake in with a larger milksnake, you will just have a milksnake. Also, snakes are solitary and don't socialize.

    And to "reptile lover", if you really love your reptiles you wouldn't have had 8 snakes in a 30 gallon aquarium. This is not a good idea. You can have feeding problems, disease and parasites can easily be transmitted to all, and of course, they can eat each other. I currently have over 160 snakes and every single one is in its own enclosure by itself. I have another 80 eggs ready to hatch and I have individual enclosures ready for all of them as well.

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