
Can a corpse get sun burn?

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Or do you have to be alive for skin to react that way?




  1. i doubt it .......but if you die in the sea you can expand and blow up!

  2. Interesting question i would say it could because i would think when your dead you entire body isn't dead right away it would take time. So yes i do believe it could.

  3. Yes a corpse can.

  4. It depends before the flies move in or after they do?

    The might to a point (like before they go bluey greeny blacky colour and all smelly), and possibly to the point of total mummification

    Since the person is dead the cells will be no longer living, and since the blood is congealing and decomposing, it won't be sunburn of the kind which effects something that is living.

  5. Yes. It's a bit different, but the skin does 'burn'.

  6. It wouldn't "sun burn" but rather dehydrate and shrivel up.

    The "sun burn" effect is a result of the body's protection and repair mechanisms, a corpse would not possess these abilities.

  7. No.  Sunburn is inflammation that happens in response to damage caused when the sun (UV radiation) starts breaking up molecules in and under your skin. The damage is the same type of damage as radiation damage from X-rays or A-bombs, but the 'burn' is the inflammatory reaction to it. That's why the sunburn develops after you get out of the sun and why it's way too late when you start to notice you're getting burned.  

    So, the damage does occur to the skin of a corpse, but the inflammation can't happen because that's a living response. Also, the corpse has lots more damaging (decomposing) sorts of things going on than sun effects!

  8. i think it would just dry up, go like a prune!

  9. well i figure not as the tanning process is a chemical reaction made by cells and I suppose cells have to be alive to react??

    Then again  - just coz you die, do your cells die straight away? Like if you were pregnant and you died, how long would it take for the baby to die? hmmm interesting, Im gonna have a google

  10. the cells are dead so they can't react?

  11. Well they burn in the oven. Yes

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