
Can a couple really work together and stay together?

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Or can it drive you apart from each other

Wouldn't you being see to much of each other if you did work together? Or will it just bring you closer?




  1. I really honestly think it depends on the overall satisfaction each partner has with the relationship.  If they're happy together, they're going to work well together...ESPECIALLY if they have similar goals and opinions on how the business should be run.

    My boss and her husband work VERY well together.  And a very dear friend of ours and her husband worked together every single day of the week right up until the day he died.  

  2. After a while it would become an extremely boring routine. Wake up. Breakfast. Work. Lunch. Home. Dinner. Bed.

    It can work, but spending too much time together is not always a good thing.

  3. I have personal experience in this matter. My husband and I own a small business together. We work together 40 hours a week.Our store is less then 1,000 square feet and our work station is a small counter area...we are literally 5 feet from each other every day...  I don't think it's for everyone. It has generally brought us closer. But we do have times when we argue. We let lots of things go and NEVER bring a disagreement of work to home. Like I said it's not for everyone, but my husband and I are very close, (he's also my best friend) and I wouldn't have it any other way

  4. My wife has nothing to do with my business and nor would I want her to.

    I would *never* work with my wife.

    Can it work? It really depends on the couple. Some can do it successfully, but others cannot.

  5. i could not be able to work together and live together i think it would split us apart seeing each other to much

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