
Can a credit card company garnish in your wages if you fail to pay them what you owe?...?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have fallen on hard times and haven't been able to pay a couple credit cards we owe on. We are both working, but just have fallen behind and have other things to pay that are of higher priority (food,rent,clothing,utilities,etc..the basics) The credit card we owe both have outstanding balances of between $2,500-$3,500. I'm just wondering/worried that they'd be able to garnish in my husbands wages but was thinking they probably couldn't since it is an unsecured loan. Help!




  1. Try credit counseling or bankruptcy.

  2. Sorry to say but they can seek an order for garnishment to repay the loan BUT (now here is the good news)

    They would have to follow your states laws regarding garnishment.  Some states do not allow this and others have a lower limit.  Some follow federal guidlines as to the amount that can be garnished and if your husband is the head of the household (means only he works) some states make his wages exempt from garnishment.

    Here is a sight where you can check your states laws

    Hope this answers your question

    LEGAL DISCLAIMER:  The advice contained herein is for informational purposes only.  It is not to be construed as Legal Counsel nor Legal Advice.

  3. Yes...but it's a long process of taking you to court and getting a judgement....They can't do this overnight.

  4. Yes, if they obtain a court judgment.

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