
Can a creditor garnish my bank account?

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A creditor is ready to garnish my wages, I only know this because I am friends with my boss and she told me she got a letter and they will start garnishment next week. Is there a high chance they will go after my checking account too? If so, how can I find out beforehand?




  1. What can you do? Suck it up - they are garnishing it for a reason, you obviously owe them money - ie, you enjoyed a service or something from them and didn't pay for it. Stop living above your means.

  2. Agree 100% with Guest8010.

  3. My spouse and I have a joint bank account, we are not married, a debt collector went into our account and wiped out both the checking and savings, five minutes after his check went through. We have two small children and that is our only income. He doesn't recall signing for anything(being served). Is this legal concidering my name is on the account and we have absolutely nothing now.

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