
Can a crested gecko live with a leopard gecko?

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I have an adult male leopard gecko and was wondering if i get a crested gecko if they could live together? and if i got a female would they mate? i think i know the answer to the last one but i thought i would ask any way lol thanks so much!




  1. If you have a proper environment for your lepard gecko then the answer is no. Your lepard gecko is a desert reptile where as a crested geko is a tropical reptile. There for if you mixed them one of them will die. And you are correct if you were thinking that they will not mate.

  2. um.. no that would be a bad idea...

  3. NO  NO NO NO NO

    you should NEVER mix species of reptiles. one may be immune to a certain disease another is not. not only that, but they live in 2 different envioronments. leopard geckos are desert and need high temps with very low humidity and sand for substrate. crested geckos are tropical and need moderate temps with high humidity and soil as substrate.

    and no they would not mate.

  4. Absolutely not.  The temps a leopard gecko needs would kill a crested.  They would more likely fight and become VERY stressed... you'd be asking for them to lose tails.  No, they would not mate.  They would consider the other an enemy and either try to get away or fight.

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