
Can a cronic golf slice be caused by your club?

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I recently bought a use cleveland driver and have not been able to hit a straight shot since. I have no problem hitting with any other club and didn't have a problem with my old driver. I've read that the thickness of the grip can throw off a swing. Can the toe or camber be off on a club?? Need help.




  1. Whatever the problem consult with a person who knows clubs and come to a conclusion. Sometimes older clubs may have weights that could be causing the problem. Perhaps the prior owner  reweighted the club to his swing. Whatever we have at present requires more than a guess to solve your problem.

  2. could be why the last guy got rid of club-reject. It's highly possible

  3. you probably try swinging harder with your new club. id try toning down the swing and trying to hit it. if that doesn't work try putting a towel or head coverer between your right arm (if you are a righty) and chest and swing, if the towel falls then that is probably why your slicing the ball.  Keep trying untilll you can pinch and keep the towel from falling and that should cure the slice.  If that still doesn't work i would contact cleveland.  

  4. change your shaft and have the right grip size.

  5. you may be holding the club too tight. I have a cleveland 5wood and i always sliced and hooked it. if youve tried everything else, it may be the club

  6. I had the exact same problem recently with a driver & having played for many years & being off 9 it's not like I'm a complete tard.  It perplexed me so much that after much trial & error with it I've put it down to shaft.  With my driver I had to swing the socks off it to get any reasonable result however I don't think it's worth changing your swing that significantly just for a single shot; so have moved onto another driver.  So I believe your best/cheapest option would be to change the shaft.  Have a close look at the shaft characteristics of your new driver compared to what you've been playing with & your irons.

    All the best.

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