
Can a cucumber and a squash mix?

by  |  earlier

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i'm growing a garden and i planted some cucumber and squash next to each other. a few days ago i was looking in my garden and i found a yellow cucumber. I know its not rotten cause i check everyday. i tasted the so called "squcumber" and it sorta tastes like squash and looks like a cucumber with the taste of sorta cucumber. is it possible i have a half cucumber half squash?




  1. No , the yellow cucumber is just one you missed for a day or so and got over ripe, or it is a stray seed, or it is a result of hybrid reversion.   At least this is true unless you save your own seeds.   The seeds of plants may produce a cross, but the fruit of a plant will not be a "cross".

  2. Kool!

    Cross pollination?

  3. Our cucumbers mixed with cantaloupe...we called them "cantacumbers"....they looked and tasted strange!

    We now keep the little buggers apart....

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