
Can a daycare centre turn away a troubled child?

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Can a daycare centre turn away a troubled child?




  1. Yups, yups....they are allowed to if your child is causing harm/injury to the other kids.

  2. Yes.  They have the legal right to admit or not accept an applicant.

  3. Yes, if that child is hurting and harming other children, causing damage to things.

  4. They sure can.  They gotta make it safe for everyone.

  5. yes they can. they have an obligation and duty to the current students and their families to provide a safe and enjoyable place to induce learning.

  6. since day care produces troubled children, it would be kinda ironic.

  7. yes they can but they refer it 2 see phsycologies

  8. Absolutely!  If they've tried different interventions and those interventions haven't had the desired outcome then they can transfer the child or basically tell you to "buy" a different education elsewhere.  Sorry, but it happens.

  9. THe day care is a private business and they can decide if they want your business or not.  If a child is disruptive, dangerous or will cost the daycare more than they charge, they can and should turn them away.  Their first responsibility is to the customers they have.  They are like a restaurant that can ask you to leave if you are disturbing other patrons.     If you have a troubled child remember most daycare workers are not trained to handle students with special needs.  You would be putting your child in the hands of amateurs.   A public school can not turn away a troubled child.  Once they are in formal schooling, they are entitled to everything they need.

  10. Yes they can, if the child is too much for the staff to handle or is in danger of hurting the other children or the staff. Unfortunately the one I work at has 4 kids that have to be physically restrained atleast twice a week. It makes it very hard and all of your attention has to go to that child and the other children get ignored, it's just not good to try to keep extreme cases with the other children.

  11. Of course one can. What do you think the application process is all about?

  12. ask lisa @ yahoo answers

  13. yes.

  14. Sure they can pick and chose who they care for

  15. well of course they can they run the place and choose who comes and goes if they can't handle a child they will kick him out with no if ands or buts can i get my 10 points now thanks

  16. Typically, if any child is harming other children in the daycare, or is causing so many problems to where the daycare provider is not able to care for the other children properly, then yes - they can simply remove the child from the daycare.

    If someone does turn away a child from attending their daycare, maybe it is for the best for your child. If the provider is not capable of handling the stress or does not know how to properly keep the child under control, then it is not going to be a positive experience for you child.

    I have worked in a few different daycares. One I worked in, the staff was not well educated on how to handle children with unique problems, and you could tell - they could not keep the situation with the children calm. Another daycare I worked at, the staff was well educated on child issues, and we continued to read and research all that we could. We had children with ADHD, children from homes that were unstable and the children had emotional issues, a child who was deaf, and many other special kids mixed in. We were able to handle each child in way that was best for them, and it was an amazing to see how children respond when someone understands them, and knows how to treat and deal with them.

  17. Unfortunately, daycares that are run privately can pretty much make up any rules they want.  If they want to "expel" a child from school, they can.  Children who have issues with severe behaviors such as hitting, biting and throwing objects are usually asked to leave preschools since they really don't have the ability to handle extreme behavior issues at the center.   While their philosophy should be to help the child with any behaviors that they have that would be socially unacceptable, that is not always the case when they don't have enough staff to adequately monitor the children in their care.  Look for a childcare that has a low staff to child ratio and a behavior modification plan to make sure that the center can handle (and be willing to work with) a child with difficult behaviors/emotional problems.

  18. I guess it depends on what troubled child means. If troubled child means a depressed child, they shouldn`t. but if a troubled child refers to one that causes a lot of havoc, then they can.

  19. Yes, they can turn away a troubled child. They have other daycare children to care for and do not have the time to deal with a trouble child. Maybe the troubled child needs to be in another kind of school.

  20. if the troubled child is harming the other children and you have had repeat warnings then yes....they need to protect and care for the whole centre and their attendees.....

    depending on the troubled child there are special facilities that you can look into that may be more appropriate

  21. That depends on their philosophy, and what their parent handbook states and what their policies are.  Many programs are willing to work with children who have social and behavioral issues, by doing behavior management.  The daycare should have their discipline policies well spelled out.

  22. h**l yea they would have to put em in a special daycare

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