
Can a deaf schizophrenic hear voices?

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting in my psychology class the other day and it hit me, can a deaf schizophrenic hear voices? Or are the exempt from that part of the disorder? I don't know why this question popped in my head, but if anyone knows the answer or insight please share!




  1. I am schiz. and i hear voices of a girl and even sometimes a boy and there has even been others yet... they talk normal and they don't say for me to do bad things like that kind of bad...// i hear them not thru the ears but though thought and this all started 3 years ago and i was a soldier and doing fine when they entered my life. it is a diff. kind of life i live now. and they are truely friends and there isn't a problem with it ... many disscusions on this planet have been recorded as ghosts or inner thought .. s**z is truly real......

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