
Can a democracy survive corporate-owned, mass media "news" non-sense?

by Guest63124  |  earlier

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Since the majority of mainstream media is owned by a relative handful of people.




  1. Political media are often recognized by the people as puppeteers.

    Wm. Randolph Hurst is often considered the basis for the Spanish American War as it was he who pushed hard for the war with Spain.

    His power through the press was formidable but not insurmountable. He had a couple of political failures.

    The point is credibility can only be stretched too far. Proves true Lincoln's addage (or so attributed to him) that you can fool all of the people some of the time; some of the people all of the time; but you can never fool all of the people all of the time.

  2. Nope.

    We're all going to die!!! AAaaaaah!!!!!

    (I said that tongue-in-cheek, folks.)

  3. Nada chance democracy will survive the corp. media. Its on very shakey ground right now cuz of the corporate media censorship. This excellent film explains it. It is about the merger of politics and media resulting from concentration of media ownership. Even if U already know the media lies sometimes this film will knock your sox off. Fox News isnt the only guilty outlet. Its the whole media.  Its called Orwell Rolls in Grave

    As U see, the media has become a weapon of class warfare. Democracy wont survive it. If peeps keep believing what they hear in the corporate media, we are headed here:

  4. Thee:

    Its easy to see, the corrupt influence of Rupert Murdock. Its always the same lies, deception, deceit, just hearing the words Fair & Balanced, makes me laugh, what a joke, and a insult to anyone's  Integrity, and honesty. Yes thats FOX'S Screws, its sure as heck, NOT news, but plain old GOP propaganda. What a dis-service to the

    American public. And now its the Wall Street Journal to boot, via Dow Jones.  

  5. thats why  i quit watching cnn and msnbc and switched to fox news

    (now everybody in our family has)

  6. Yes, reference the yellow journalism period at the turn of the century in the US.

  7. no it cant they are supposed to be the 4th branch of our government and they are doing just as bad as the other 3

    we now watch news catered to our opinions

    ALL of our news sorces claim to be fair and ballanced

    because they put on the farthest exstreamest from the left and right to spout c**p and nonsence

    while leaving out the real issue

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